When it comes to working together, Michael partners with creatives and innovators that share his passion for living life to the fullest. That means, not only living genuinely but also making the most of your time here on this earth.
Like most of us, Michael wears many hats; as a dad, he’s often in search of products that enrich his daughter’s life, as a food lover he’s on the lookout for one-of-a-kind bars and restaurants, as a creator he’s happiest when surrounded with people who share his passion for food, travel, design and fashion.
His goal is to collaborate with creators that lift up the same life pursuits he so values, with products that enrich his and his family’s life, with brands that exist for a greater purpose than just pumping out goods. For him, one of the greatest mistakes you can make in life is to forget just how valuable it is, and so he’s resolved to do the exact opposite — to value life for everything it is.